Zion’s Lambs Children’s Ministry (Isaiah 40:11):

It is our desire to train up children to cast all of their hopes and dreams on the Lord. Our mission is to guide and teach the children about God through scripture, activity, song and dance. Our passion is to impact the children in our community with the message of Christ’s love for them. #TrainUpAChild

RISE Teen Ministry (1 Peter 5:10):

Designed to be a safe haven for our teens. RISE stands for Restore Ignite Shape Elevate. Our goals are to bring together teens from various ethnicities and cultural backgrounds to promote unity, acceptance, love for God, others and self, positive self-image, servitude and leadership. We will creatively communicate these messages through biblical studies, group discussions and activities, outings and community service. Our desire is to see our teens confidently live out their God-ordained purposes and RISE to become the leaders of tomorrow. #RiseUp

Daughters of Zion Women’s Ministry (Zephaniah 3:14-15):

Daughters of Zion Women’s Ministry exists to assist our congregation in edifying, empowering, elevating, educating, and equipping women both naturally and spiritually to effectively impact their homes, communities, cities and the world through the love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Our purpose is to bring women of all ages together for fellowship and growth. DOZ is an arm of the church committed to helping women understand their worth as well as their calling and to find their place of ministry in the home, church, and the marketplace. We want to see women of all ages anointed by God and released to fulfill their God ordained destiny. #RockYourWorth

Covenant Heart Marriage Ministry (Ephesians 5:21-33):

Is committed to fulfilling God’s purpose for marriage by submitting ourselves one to another out of reverence for the Lord. It is our mission to strengthen the husband and wife relationship in every area as we pursue God together through biblical studies, group activities, outings and ministry. #MarriageIsMinistry

Single, Saved & Free Ministry (1 Corinthians 7:32-35):

Designed to help adult singles learn to be whole, satisfied and complete in Christ. Our goal is to encourage and equip Singles to: honor the Lord with our lifestyles, wait patiently, deal with loneliness, date effectively and create healthy boundaries and expectations in this season. Through biblical studies, relevant group discussions, accountability, outings and fellowship we will grow in readiness together, while God prepares us for the next season. #IAmCompleteInChrist

New Member’s Ministry (Colossians 3:16):

The New Member’s Ministry is designed to welcome and acclimate our new family members with The City of Zion Christian Ministry, it’s vision, mission and history while teaching foundational Christian beliefs in a classroom setting. It is our sincere desire to rightly divide the Word of God with simplicity and truth while providing an enjoyable learning experience. #WelcomeHome