Bible Study:

Every Wednesday evening at 7pm.

Sunday School:

All ages are welcome to join us for Sunday School, every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 9:30am.

Ministers & Deacons Training:

We thoroughly equip servants of the most high God through bi-weekly classes, where we learn how to become more effective in our callings, gifts and ministries.

Christian Education Ministry:

(Joshua 1:8) – Is designed to provide a creative and active learning environment that stimulates and motivates the desire to gain godly knowledge through both personal and corporate study and application. The activities of learning are promoted through workshops, book clubs, media, curriculum and illustrations. #TheWordIsPower

Intercessory Prayer Ministry:

(Isaiah 62:6-7) – Seeks to fulfill God’s command to pray without ceasing. Our desire is to encourage a culture of prayer in our local church and a productive prayer life in believers of all ages. Using our God given authority we are affecting change locally and around the world through corporate prayer and intercession. #PrayUntilSomethingHappens